Our unique experience provides a unique opportunity


Our scientists have deep knowledge of pancreatic cancer and the proteins that are markers of the disease.

Middle aged couple walking on beach looking to the future

We are changing the trajectory of pancreatic cancer


World-class research

We have unique access to high quality clinical biobank material (blood and tissue), cutting-edge mass spectrometric technology, and extensive registry data for patients.

Together, this provides an exceptional basis for research and development of new diagnostic technologies.


Simple and cost-effective blood test

We develop an in-vitro multiplexed test for early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer using a small amount of blood.

Multiplexed biomarker detection, building upon the ‘sandwich’ ELISA concept, is a testing process with significant advantages.

These include enhanced diagnostic precision, improved efficiency, and reduced cost.


Screening accessible in everyday clinic

We are developing a test accessible to all.

Our technology is built on validated well documented platforms.

We develop a test supported by clinical and health economic evidence required for regulatory approvals.


What do we do?

Reccan develops a breakthrough multiplex immunoassay for the quantitative detection of biomarkers in serum that are associated with the presence of pancreatic cancer. Using a proprietary algorithm, multivariate classifier (risk-calculator), to identify the patients probability of pancreatic cancer will assist healthcare providers with the counseling and care of each patient.

The project is supported by Vinnova, Sweden’s Innovation Agency.


Get involved

If you are interested in partnering with us on our clinical trials or other joint offerings for your patients, please reach out.