A breakthrough in the detection of pancreatic cancer

Our unique, easy-to-use blood test makes screening for pancreatic cancer quick, accurate, and non-invasive.

The challenges with pancreatic cancer

  • High mortality rate

    Pancreatic cancer has the highest mortality rate of all major cancer forms. Every year, as many people die of pancreatic cancer as breast or colon cancer.

  • Early detection vital

    This disease usually causes no symptoms early on and patients are often diagnosed late, which typically results in death within a relatively short period of time.

  • Hard to treat

    Pancreatic cancer is a rapid, painful, and degrading cancer with limited treatment options.

    Finding the cancer early changes the trajectory of cancer mortality.

Easy-to-use blood test delivers life-changing answers

That’s why we at Reccan have spent the last decade developing a unique way of detecting pancreatic cancer. We will soon introduce a highly accurate and easy-to-use blood test for early detection.

Elderly couple relaxed and happy